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Subscription option added

Thanks to feedback from some early viewers, I’ve added a form on the homepage to subscribe to the New & Updates on this site. For some reason the button that comes with this feature is a magnifying glass… so it goes in the interwebs. I hope that if you’re reading this you’ll consider subscribing to […]

Notes about navigating the images on this site

I will use this post to point out things I consider distracting or confusing (not intuitive) about moving around on this site. You may notice that if you click on one of the images on the home screen you are taken to that image with options to toggle forward or backward. You should know that […]


After some problems with sizing of images I have taken them all off the site and am going to reload them in better, more uniform size. Hopefully they’ll be back by the end of the day… ~Michael

I think we’re ready –

It looks like the site is about how I want it so I’m going to consider it launched! One thing I haven’t been able to change is the date shown with photographs. Unfortunately this shows the date the image was uploaded to the site rather than the creation date (or better yet, none). If anyone […]

Hello world!

Hello world! Until this post disappears, or is relegated to a lower position by a new post, you can enjoy the process with me of building a site. Unfortunately, your experience will be one of wondering what (if anything) I’m doing. My experience will involve swearing and wondering what (if anything) I’m doing. It’s all […]