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New Website Coming –

I am about to redesign my website and it may be unavailable for the next few days. I hope to get it back up and running no later than the end of the day Wednesday – maybe even sooner if things go smoothly. I’m not sure whether the new design will incorporate subscriptions or not, […]

Maine images uploaded –

As promised, I’ve posted six images from my recent trip to Maine. They should be the first six images you see on the home page. I hope you enjoy them, share them (there are sharing buttons on the bottom of each photo’s page) and let me know what you think of them! I’m still working […]

So Much For Monthly Posts…

I had intended to update and post to this site monthly but see now that it’s been nearly 3 months since I last communicated. As I mentioned in May, June (and as it happened July and August thus far too) was very busy. Shortly after my last post I bought a new small camera (a […]

A Busy June Ahead –

June promises to be a busy month for me – I’ll have photographs in three separate juried shows during the month and hope to spend at least part of my time in new areas working on new photographs. Here’s a rundown of what’s currently in the calendar along with imbedded links to the sites and […]

A quick note about recently added images

I’ve decided not to reduce the size and quality of images I post as much as I did earlier. They are still greatly reduced from print versions. I realize this compromises navigation slightly but feel the trade off in quality is worth while. Perhaps at some time I will replace older uploads with higher quality […]

Some Site Updates, News

I’ve finally gotten around to moving images that appeared only in previous blog posts into galleries and into the general flow of the site. It’s always like learning something new for me to tackle these repeated tasks – not being one to update my site regularly, I forget the processes between updates. It’s hardly intuitive […]

Spring Thanks

Thank you to everyone who found the time to see my show in February. I was thrilled with all the responses I had and truly appreciate the feedback. I learned so much from this experience in terms of things I’d do the same and things I’ll change next show! I especially want to thank everyone […]

February Show Coming Up!

Join us for the opening reception on First Thursday, February 5, 2015 at the Thurman St. Collective Gallery, 2384 NW Thurman, Portland, OR, 7pm-9pm. If you can’t make the opening, the show runs through the month and the gallery is open daily. A portion of all sales from the opening reception will benefit Chapman School […]

December Update

It’s been quite a while since I last posted but I’ve remained busy with my work. I’m working on selections and preparations for an exhibit in February at the Thurman St. Collective Gallery ( More info on that show will be coming soon. Meanwhile, the later Thanksgiving holiday has made the December holidays come speeding […]

Nevada Sample Gallery, testing new galleries, ongoing things…

I let this site sit and rest for a week or so and then have spent some time the last couple of days trying to address a few things. Firstly, I have tried several times to get the ‘subscribe’ button to appear as anything but the magnifying glass. All these efforts have been in vain and […]