About Me

Father, Husband, Brother, Artist, Buddhist, Reader, Writer, Deadhead, Teetotaler, Loner, Dreamer…

Lots of labels, none sufficient, none deficient.

I returned to photography around 2009 after many years hopping around different career paths, frustrations, psychic costumes and anxieties. Photography let me express myself to myself in a different way. Over time my self-confidence grew, my courage grew, my in/sight grew and eventually I worked up the gumption to show a sample of my work to a gallery owner, looking for nothing more than honest feedback.

That step landed me my first exhibition. I knew nothing about how to put together a cohesive collection of images for a show, how to sequence or hang a show, how to “be” an artist. But I winged it, gritted my teeth and (after some not so gentle nudging) showed up at my own opening in February 2015. Since that night, I have shown my work across the country, been rewarded with accolades and with criticism but, most importantly, with a growing realization that this path fulfills me in ways I find hard to express on this page.

I’m grateful for all I’ve been given, I try not to take it for granted, and I will keep doing whatever I’m doing until I can’t any more.

Thank you for visiting this site and please feel free to share it as you wish. Additional work and information can be found on  Instagram. Please ‘follow’ that page!

